What Janine Stands for


Everyone’s voice matters.
Together we can make a difference.

Make a difference

I understand change, I’ve been dealing with change since I six years old and my world was turned upside down in the space of a single day.

I also know about pain and suffering.

But I also understand that one person can make a difference and that many voices can make a lot of difference.

I seek to represent a sensible centre path for the people of Prahran. Prahran is a diverse electorate and everyone’s voice matters.  I will be the voice of reason in our parliament.   A career in academia means I understand, and value evidenced based solutions.  My life experiences mean that I understand the importance of compassion and that good policy must always be underpinned by equality.  I know too that people have the right to be heard. That everyone’s voice matters, and where people are unable to advocate for themselves then I will advocate for them.


Independent for Prahran

I stand in Prahran on the following pillars

  1. Urgent action to end to violence against women
  1. Reducing inequality, particularly around the impacts of cost of living

  2. Greater oversight on both under and over development in Prahran so that our built environment is safe for residents and visitors

  3. Locally focused solutions to fight climate change

  4. Hold the major parties to account because I am free to fight for you, the people of Prahran

Prahran Train Station
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